NationalCouncilReportSummary of Findings reports the educational and behavioral benefits of Released Time Bible Education.

Released Time Bible Education: A program that improves academic performance in public schools and builds a foundation for positive character development.

The report evaluated the Oakland California Released Time Bible Education Program. It finds that enrolled students perform better in almost every academic category than non-enrolled students and show significant increase in three major literacy skills. Students also receive positive moral and character development and the program provides positive interaction with at-risk youth that historically have contributed to delinquency.

The report is filled with graphs and charts that visually and mathematically evaluate the findings. Paul Harvey, famous journalist and radio broadcaster, marveled at the benefits of the Oakland Released Time program when he found out about the report. He later featured the results of the report on his daily News and Comment radio broadcast. The results of this study are undeniable.

This report is a perfect tool to present the need for more successful academic programs to school officials. The report highlights the academic benefits of Released Time in a manner that school officials can relate to. These benefits make a compelling case for any school board or principal to start Released Time in their school.

Why Use It?

  • Shows the educational improvement of children who participate in Released Time
  • Nationally recognized study
  • Helps school officials make decision
  • Amazing Statistics and Figures

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