SMIN LBL Jacket J100 v04 WebThis new three-part DVD Video Download features SMI staff, Released Time students, teachers, administrators, and leaders. Each part of this series clearly defines the overwhelming benefits of Released Time education in a practical and clear manner. This three-part series includes three videos: 1. "Line By Line" illustrated video detailing the history of Released Time and how to start a program. 2.  An overview of School Ministries and Released Time Bible Education that includes personal testimonies. 3.  Pennsylvania's Bible2School director interviews School Ministries' Executive Director about the importance of Released Time in the United States and how to operate a successful Christian Released Time program.   Why Use It? Clear, upbeat interviews. Provides the history and importance of Released Time in the United States. A great way to inform potential leaders. Great for school officials.

PRICES: MEMBER: $15.00 / NONMEMBER: $20.00 



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School Ministries, Inc.
101 Rice Bent Way #6
Columbia, SC 29229
Copyright  February, 2025