FreeWill Partnership

Create your free estate plan online

We are thrilled to announce a new opportunity for friends of School Ministries! Through our partnership with Legacy Ministry Services and FreeWill, you now have access to an intuitive suite of tools to simplify estate planning and charitable giving.

Using FreeWill, you can create a comprehensive, state-specific will—along with additional documents like a living will, power of attorney, trust, and beneficiary plan—at no cost. This platform is user-friendly, ensuring that your legacy reflects your faith and values.

Already have a will but need updates? FreeWill makes it easy to revise or create a new one. Here are some common reasons to update your will

As stewards of God's blessings, thoughtful planning helps ensure your gifts bless your heirs and grow the Kingdom of God.



Important things to know

  1. The will you create will be state-specific and legal for your state.
  2. School Ministries and Legacy Ministry Services will not have access to your personal information.
  3. School Ministries and Legacy Ministry Services are available to assist you throughout the process.

Create Your Estate Plan
You can get started today with this secure and easy-to-use tool!  Follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Estate Planning Checklist to gather important documents and information before you sit down to start your will. You can complete and print your will in 20-120 minutes with these tips!
  2. Click the button below to access and begin creating your documents.
  3. Decide whether you wish to create a trust or a will.

Creating Your Documents

  1. After entering your contact information, you’ll receive an email to create an account. This allows you to save and manage your documents anytime.
  2. At step 4 (“Residuary”), you can name charities as beneficiaries. To include ministries closely affiliated with Legacy, select “Ministry Partners.” For other charities, click “Choose another nonprofit.”

When using this tool, you have the option to make a lasting impact by including a legacy gift to School Ministries in your will. This choice is entirely optional and FreeWill remains free for you and your loved ones regardless. 

Completing Your Estate Plan

  1. Download and save the PDF containing your estate documents once completed.
  2. Follow the instructions in the PDF for necessary signatures and further steps to finalize your plan.

FreeWill provides the opportunity to bless our heirs and leave a lasting legacy that advances the Gospel. We hope you enjoy this efficient, comprehensive, secure, and no-cost tool that is provided through our partnership with Legacy Ministry Services.

In Christ,

Adele Little
Director of Development
School Ministries
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101 Rice Bent Way #6
Columbia, SC 29229
Copyright  February, 2025