
What will you give to save a child for eternity?

There is a pressing need to expand Released Time Bible Education. We are losing generations of children from families who do not attend church, and Released Time classes are their best chance for being saved and brought into church membership for growing in their newfound faith.  The Barna Research Group documents that two out of three born-again Christians accept Jesus as their Savior before their 18th birthday.  If children's hearts are not reached now, they may never be.

Real Questions, Real Answers from Released Time Students

With your gift, you can be part of the national movement to bring word of God’s love and love of God’s Word to public school students, reaching children all over America.

School Ministries receives no government funding and relies on the generous support of individuals, churches, businesses, organizations, and foundations.

Will you commit today to monthly sowing into this mission field at one of these levels?

Prefer to give a one-time gift? We so appreciate your generosity. 



SMINGivingPeople Support20

Per month can...

Help more people know about
Released Time Bible Education

SMINGivingPeople Support20

Per month can...

Bring God's Word to More Students

SMINGivingPeople Support20

Per month can...

Transform the Lives of Children and Youth

SMINGivingPeople Support20

Per month can...

Help Create Local Programs to
Offer Released Time Education

Yes! I want to help students hear the Good News of Jesus.

Planned Giving Program - Creative Plans to help your giving go further. 

Do you desire to see the Great Commission accomplished and use your earthly assets to advance the Gospel rapidly?

A God -focused strategic plan of estate assets can be the most generous Kingdom gift we ever make.  Our Planned Giving Program allows you to play a key role in the mission of School Ministries.  You can tailor your personal plans to take care of your own needs, provide for your loved ones, and make a difference for the Kingdom of God.


School Ministries is an IRS-recognized non-profit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Our EIN# is 57-0942086. 
Your donation to School Ministries is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. 

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School Ministries, Inc.
101 Rice Bent Way #6
Columbia, SC 29229
Copyright  February, 2025