The First Steps Kit is designed to put information about Released Time into the hands of potential leaders. The items found in the pack are helpful in answering basic Released Time questions, introducing ways to plan your program, providing legal reassurance, and describing how the program brings hope and transformed lives to young people. Why Use It? To learn about the nuts and bolts of Released Time. To build or expand a successful Released Time program. To educate others about how Released Time benefits the community and the nation. This kit may be purchased separately or upon joining School Ministries as an Affiliate, the kit is provided free of charge along with your School Ministries annual membership. Included: School Ministries Handbook: A comprehensive guide to starting a Released Time program. This guidebook is also helpful when used in conjunction with the SMI Members' Zone on this website (SMI Affiliate programs are provided access to this part of the website.) A three-part Video Download that includes: 1. "Line By Line" illustrated video detailing the history of Released Time and how to start a program. 2. An overview of School Ministries and Released Time Bible Education that includes personal testimonies. 3. Pennsylvania's Bible2School director interviews School Ministries' Executive Director about the importance of Released Time in the United States and how to operate a successful Christian Released Time program. School Ministries Brochure: A concise brochure that gives an overview of Released Time. Tales of Grace in a Time of Violence: How Released Time Bible Education breaks the cycle of violence in our public schools and brings hope to youth. Keeping it Legal - Released Time Religious Education, The Legal Foundation: An essential component in building a strong Released Time program. This booklet explains the history and legality of Released Time education, and also answers commonly asked questions about issues in the field of Released Time.
PRICES: MEMBER: $50.00 / NONMEMBER: $60.00* / Shipping Per Item: $12.00
*Payment will be credited to your first annual membership fee if you join School Ministries.